Lee Enfield Accuracy
You’re at the range with your ‘famed Lee Enfield’ and a group of friends, but to your embarrassment it’s peppering shots all over the paper. Lee Enfields are a battle rifle, a very good one, but you’d like to do better, a lot better.
So don’t ignore at least 70 years of Enfield success on the world’s rifle ranges.
All the old timer secrets I could find, and a few new ones, have been researched and compiled into everything needed to accurize a 20th century Lee Enfield No1, No1 MK3, a No4 Mk1 or Mk2, an Ishapore 2a 7.62, and even the jungle carbine.
Strong on the practical tuning of your rifle, ( books on reloading and techniques are for other authors to reveal) and light on the theoretical, ‘Complete Accurizing’ is a friendly and thorough book that suits beginners and all home handy and innovative shooters interested in ensuring their rifle is physically tuned to the very best accuracy.
Want to make a stock rifle as accurate as possible to compete in military type shoots that require no changes from as issued?
No problem.
Want to make a dragon slaying, target chomping machine just for the hell of it?
No problem.
Want to recreate a Lee Enfield sniper rifle and then make it shoot like one, or better?
No problem.
Far from being a repeat of the most common ideas this book looks at how it was really done decades ago by the master shootists and gunsmiths, with well described photos backing up every interesting point. The text also includes ‘Old Timer tricks’, tips that hardly ever made it off the range and into the history books.
And then just to kick the ball another length there are 25 pages devoted to new ways to accurize an Enfield that have probably never been done before.
How about a carbon fiber front end on your Lee Enfield, to line up next to the hi tech range rifles of today?
“What, say what?!”
Yep, carbon fiber, no problem. Perhaps that has you thinking?
Would this 1966 Ishapore 7.62 target get your attention?
It’s all true, Enfields excelled in target shooting for decades, now learn more …

Queen Elizabeth learned to shoot as a princess with Winston Churchill’s Tommy Gun, loaned to the royal family as they prepared for the Nazi invasion, a documentary revealed Sunday. The show told the little-known story of how Elizabeth, 14 at the time, and her younger sister Margaret, 10, were taught to shoot in Buckingham Palace gardens in London as the royal family awaited invading German paratroopers during WWII, according to the Daily Mail’s review.- More, Queen Elizabeth, James Bond
Safety Lessons for all; a DP marked Lee Enfield (drill purposed) surplus rifle explosively dismantles itself for an unsuspecting new owner, and a barrel obstruction ruins a shooters day . Learn more.
Lee Enfield rifle woods made to order; A New Zealand source for reproduction .303 fore ends and hand guards. Made to order and specializing in hard to find early types such as the No1, as well as later smle models. International and unusual inquires welcome. Contact; Stuart – iona1802@xtra.co.nz
The Lee Enfield rifle re imagined; modern SMLE redesigns; by Sorrell and Sons – NZ
Lee Enfield .303 cross wind chart.
The most popular smle video on youtube;