
Lee Enfield Ishapore .308.jpg

Lee Enfield accurizing with Ishapore .308 1 moa

Lee Enfield accurizing

Everything needed to accurize a 20th century Lee Enfield, no matter if it’s a No1, No1 MK3, a No4 Mk1 or Mk2, an Ishapore 2a 7.62, and even the jungle carbine.

Strong on the practical and light on the theoretical, ‘Complete Accurizing’ is a friendly and thorough book that suits beginners and all home handy and innovative shooters.


Want to make a stock rifle as accurate as possible to compete in military type shoots that require no changes from as issued?

No problem.

Want to make a dragon slaying, target chomping machine just for the hell of it?

No problem.

Want to recreate a Lee Enfield sniper rifle and then make it shoot like one, or better?

No problem.

Want to keep your Enfield all original and as accurate as it was intended to be?

No problem.

Far from being a repeat of the most common ideas this book looks at how it was really done decades ago by the master shootists and gunsmiths, with well described photos backing up every interesting point. The text also includes ‘Old Timer tricks’, tips that hardly ever made it off the range and into the history books.

And then just to kick the ball another length there are 25 pages devoted to new ways to accurize an Enfield that have probably never been done before.

What about a carbon fiber barrel on your Lee Enfield, to line up next to the hi tech range rifles of today?

“What, say what?!”

Yep, carbon fiber barrel, no problem, and I bet that’s got you thinking. Perhaps a 1966 Ishapore 7.62 target that looks like this would get your attention?

Project carbon fiber


You get; 200 plus pages of concrete information you can put into practice, with all the step by step directions to get you there. Engineering degrees and British accents are not required, just common sense and everyday man cave tools.

The index

Every accurizing technique is demonstrated with photos, up close and in place on Lee Enfields, either stock, target rifles, new, old, vintage and home accurized. In addition, the barrel bedding methods are illustrated with actual case studies. Rifles with each barrel bedding technique are opened up, measured, photographed and where possible targets produced – two methods for each of the No1 Mk3, the No1 Mk3 H barrel and the No4 MK1 and Mk2, and in some cases there are three methods shown.

Shown as it appears on CD disk, the user friendly eReader format, complete with turning page.

Accurizing techniques described here will pay as much careful attention to techniques that are mild to wild, as to the ones that allow you to get the most out of your totally stock rifle.

Who am I? A Hollywood writer and set designer until 2006, I grew up in New Zealand and have owned a rifle since 16. A friend turned me onto a smle in 1995, and I’ve been hooked on the great defender of empire ever since. I was lucky enough to live close to an 800 yard range and spent years knocking down steel plates on the weekends. Health changes spun things in new directions and I don’t shoot as much as I’d like these days, but I have a great man cave and am a born tinkerer. After discovering literature about accurizing the old .303 back in the Golden Era of target shooting and seeing it work on my own rifles, I was well and truly hooked on this part of Enfield history. I’ve spent the last 4 years entirely focused on investigating the old target rifles, and after many requests to put it down on paper, here we are, a work on Enfield accurizing as may not be for sale anywhere else.

A sample of unsolicited comments from happy buyers.

  • ‘Book arrived today. Real Gem. Thank You’.
  • ‘… very thorough and very educational.’
  • ‘ … Very much enjoying the book.I am glad to see someone capturing/reviving the art of tuning Enfield rifles.I’ve had a quick look at the ebook and it looks great.
  • You have written a very, very interesting book. I could say it’s the most comprehensive book about accurizing techniques among the entire Enfield world.
  • ‘ Congratulations on an an excellent book. I will recommend it to some of my colleagues.’
  • ” I have to say a great ‘Thanks’. Today I shot my 2nd Enfield No. 4. (Following your book) I did these things –New wood under main screws in contact with trigger guard with a soldered steel plate and bedding —Bedded both ends and grooves of trigger guard. —Created 7 pound upward pressure at the barrel tip. Fore end was warped so i opened up a little and made good contact with some bedding compound —Patched the draws and bedded with devcon to have a more strong contact. —Filled with bedding compound 0.4mm gap between fore end and butt stock. Now my rifle shoots 1 MOA with consistency. Its a dream. Many many thanks.’
  • “ … congratulations and well done on the publication of your book. It is by far the most concise and encompassing publication dealing with the subject of accurising the Lee Enfield rifle yet. I am impressed both with the style it’s written and supporting diagrams and pictures. I like the format, It’s informative and very clever, again well done. As an aside, It’s caused more than a few rifles in my collection to be dusted off for potential projects! But what is really neat is because of your book, we may now hopefully see more of the old girls given a new lease of life and on the firing lines.” M.B.
  • March 29 2014; ‘Hello RJW, I have been through the online download and just received your book. Ive been shooting these things since 1962- competitively since 1992 and I have never had such a comprehensive, well-explained, clearly illustrated resource such as this. An absolutely brilliant production – superb! All the best, D.M. Australia

The compliments are great to hear, and they keep coming too, but I’ve really put them up so that you can get a feel for the satisfaction fellow shooters are finding in the book.

* * * * *

“My aim in writing the book has been to not only round up some of the spread wide, often casually mentioned, accurizing information about Lee Enfields but it is also to encourage ways of looking at your rifle that will get you thinking afresh. The old masters were very in tune with their rifles, and that’s a great connection for us to re discover”.

Roger Wadham, author.


Prices in $USA. Items deliver from USA for most destinations, or Ireland for Europe.

In the unlikely event that you experience hiccups of any kind in the ordering process, do drop an email to get it sorted at:

Digital Download

Option One: Instant digital download as a PDF; 215 pages, 365 color images – if you’re on a budget and don’t require a CD or book then a digital download might be the answer. This contains the whole book, exactly as it is on the CD and in print, nothing omitted, and the beauty is you can be reading it just a few minutes later.

Digital download – was just $19.50NOW 18.50.

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Option Two: CD disc – eBook; 220 pages/365 plus color images, plastic wrapped CD disc in an eReader format. The eReader format is the newest, best way to read a book from a CD disc. The disc goes into your regular computer as usual, but the screen image looks like a book, with turning pages. It’s both attractive, very high quality and easy on the eyes.

PDF plus CD disc, was just $24.50 …. NOW $19.50
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A bonus: When you buy the CD disc you can also request a complimentry, full color, digital copy of ‘Enfield Accurizing’, just email; after purchase and a download link will be emailed to you within 24 hours. This nice option means you don’t have to wait for the mail service to begin reading.


Option Three: Print book – Black and white, soft cover, 220 pages/365 images – A4 (usa) size – black and white images/color cover: Delivers by local mail (USA) and air mail (Int.).

Print book; was $37.50 Now $34.50

(plus approx shipping; $4 – USA, $8 – worldwide flat rate).

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A bonus: Because some of the detail in the images shows best in color, when you buy the B&W book you can also request a complimentary full color, online copy of ‘Enfield Accurizing’, just email; after purchase and a download link will be emailed to you within 24 hours. This nice option also means you don’t have to wait for the mail service to begin reading.


Option Four; Print book – Color/hard cover (see image above) – 215 pages – 365 plus images- A4 size: By far the best way to go, with a coffee table quality product, glossy pages, full color text and images, an excellent gift. Delivers by local mail (USA) and air mail. Also includes an email copy of the book as an instant downloadable PDF to read while the book is coming in the mail. This has been a popular book to sell at gun ranges and clubs, and there has also been a number of requests for autographed copies as first prize at club shooting events.

Printed book in color ; was $84.50 NOW $79.50

(plus aprox shipping; $9 worldwide flat rate)

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